Thursday, December 16, 2010

Red Tailed Black Shark

Red Tailed Shark Example
The Red Tailed Black Sharks (Epalzeorhynchus bicolor) have a stark black body with a neon red or orange tail. There may sometimes be color in the pectoral fins, and albino forms may be encountered as well. Although they are called sharks, they are a completely separate species from any cartilaginous fish such as sharks, rays or skates. Sharks are, in fact, closer related to carp. They are beautiful fish growing to about 6 inches. They are native to Thailand but are extinct in the wild. Determining gender is tough, however a female may have a grayer stomach whereas the males are solid black

Tank Information and Tips
  • Do not keep them with other sharks or smaller fish for they may become territorial. Keep them in a aquarium with large fish.
  • Feed them a varied diet consisting of fish flakes, insects, and keep the tank a bit algae filled because the shark is an omnivore.
  • When you first get them, they will be quite shy, adopting a specific region as their cave. However, as time passes they will become more bold. 
  • Give them an aquarium with a Ph of 6.5 - 7.5 and a water hardness of around 5-15 dH.
  • An aquarium with a heater is good, preferably 70-80 degrees F.
  • When first adopting one, I prefer a 20 gl, and as the shark grows, give him a tank around 40 gl. Most websites recommend a tank of around 50 gl, but i have done quite fine with 20 gl.
  • They are great for a new aquariest but keep a tight lid, these fish, when they get big, can jump!
An Albino Red Tailed Shark
The Red tailed shark is a great addition to a large aquarium, fairly easy to care for, these fish sport a magnificent red or orange hue to the tail. Breeding is quite difficult, few have achieved it. However, if you have a roomy tropical aquarium, you can welcome this fish with open arms but do not welcome more then one, these fish tend to chase and nip at each other if multiple fish are added in an aquarium.


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