Saturday, December 11, 2010

Red, Green, and Tiger Barbs

Red Tiger Barb
They Tiger barb (Puntius tetrazona) is a plucky little fish growing around 2 3/4 inches. Originating from the South East Asia Islands, they are easily distinguishable because of their 4 black bands around the fish, hints the name, tiger barb. The males have a stark red snout, females less intense red. The green tiger barb can be all black/green excluding the underbelly and the face. Eggs are normally a transparent yellow.

Tank Information and Tips
  • Have the temperature of the aquarium set somewhere between 70-77 degrees F.
  • Keep them in schools so they do not bit your lang tailed tank inhabitants.
  • They are omnivores so they will gobble up small aquatic insects and even cooked veggies.
  • These fish prefer soft acidic water.
  • It scatters eggs on the large flat leaves so be careful when remove dead leaves from live plants!
  • The parents will eat the eggs and the fry so set up a separate tank for breeding purposes.
  • They are quite compatible with gouramis, bettas, sharks, corys, plecos, mollies, and platies. Use your best judgement when introducing them.
  • They live 2 to 5 years when properly cared for.
  • Don't mistake them for the clown loach.
  • A Ph of 6-7.5 is recommended.
  • They aren't particularly picky when it comes to decor, decorate it how you want, but for breeding purposes, include a broad leafed plant.
Green Tiger Barb

Tiger barbs are very easy cared for fish, getting along with many other species, so long as they do not nip at them. Not picky habitat wise and not picky food wise, these fish make excellent pets.


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